
3.11の一周年に合わせて、フランスの言論報道ウェッブサイトOpinion Internationalが証言集を募集しています(日本人限定)。

もし協力しても良いという方がいらっしゃいましたら、下記の質問に短く答えた上で(英仏日何れでも構いません)、編集長のアドレスに送付下さい(oi.damien.durand アットマーク gmail.com)。

Interview Portrait Fukushima

1) do you remind what you were doing at the time of the tsunami ? Do you remember what did you feel at this moment ?

2) what did you think of the reactions of Japanese people, Japanese government, and international community toward the catastrophe ?

3) what do you excpect for the future of Japan ? Do you think that Japan will restart as strong as before, or is the beginning of a declining period for the country ?

4) could you write your given name, family name, age, occupation and place of living

5) could you join a frontal photo of yourself ?